The Iron Man Interview


25 thoughts on “The Iron Man Interview

  1. Oh! I don’t even know what to say! Poor Jim! We and many friends have been thought all of the above as well so I know exactly where you are coming from. And why does it always seem that the people trained and paid to help our children seem to understand the least?

    1. Yes, that absolutely needs to change! Direct care positions require no training or educational background…There are great people in the field, but it’s wide open to any others, too. I am hoping people like you, me, and our friends are creating an environment where change happens!!!

  2. beingmepresently

    Gosh, I was hoping this was a fiction story. It’s sad in this day and age that there is such discrimination. My son is currently being referred for Autism and I do worry about things like this in the future. I also work with adults with profound, multiple learning disabilities, including Autism – so I see this kind of thing quite a lot. X

    1. I think we have the opportunity and responsibility to make some change happen! It is so nice to connect; I just visited and followed your blog–many intersects, I think! How old is your boy?

      1. beingmepresently

        Absolutely. I’m proud that I can highlight these problems in my daily work. The company I work for is all about changing attitudes to learning disabilities. My son is 5 in March – so it’s early days diagnosis wise. X

  3. Not “The Iron Man Interview”–more like, “Encounter With The Invisible Man”. If, as you say, autists can be overwhelmed by it all without displaying any outward signs, it would be impossible for strangers–or even some medical personnel–to respond to Jim in the right ways. I know diddly about autism, but this essay gives me a good start on learning more.

    1. I like the Invisible Man imagery… I often think those of us close to autistic folks need to fill the role of interpreter; bridge needed, because those on either side don’t have the right words or the right questions!

  4. Your post made me cry. Poor Jim. And it reminded me so much of my childhood, and the times I couldn’t cope at work, and the way I seemed to think from entirely the opposite direction. I don’t know whether I was/am like Jim – it was so long ago, no one had heard of autism then. It seems to me that we ought to cherish those who think in a different way. The world has a habit of changing, and it may be that the thought-processes of those who don’t fit in now will become invaluable at some point in the future.

    1. “It seems to me that we ought to cherish those who think in a different way.”–Rosie, that’s so beautifully put; thank you. We talk about autists being on a spectrum, but of course we ALL are on a spectrum–some closer to the ‘normal’ middle than others, and some of us farther flung (and discovering all kinds of wonders.) Thanks goodness for the explorers–the ones who are different and daring and broaden our horizons. It hurts my heart that some folks didn’t recognize your special qualities at work or at school as a child. What a loss for all. I agree, Rosie–those thoughts will become respected and invaluable! Thank you so much for this comment!

  5. Vibrant

    I feel for lack of care as you do. I am sure times are changing and maybe for better and we would find more empathy and earnest work to help people with Autism and other neuro-disorders. Kindness is very important. You have been so kind and I feel really proud to have your company.

    May God bless Jim, you and everyone else 🙂

    Love and light ❤

    Anand 🙂

  6. Jim is so fortunate to have you for his Momma! Life is tough enough without autism. Sounds like he (and you) have found good ways to help him “deal” with this crazy world! I hope Jim finds his stocking job! Hugs!

  7. I worked as special education coordinator for a school board for 12 years, heading up our autism team (among other things). It was also personal, because my husband and a niece have Asperger’s. I have run into everything you describe with teachers, employers, employee counsellors, you name it. I think things are gradually changing but it’s too gradual. All we can do is keep supporting, explaining, educating…best of luck to Jim in his hunt for his appropriate job.

    1. Oh, yes, Marian! I agree with you…more speed is needed…I am impatient for things to change! YOU are an agent of change; we keep plugging along and pushing… Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts…

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  9. I had the privilege last week to attend a half day training on communicating with people with an intellectual disability, and I was pleased to find that two people attended who told us what it was like to live with this disability – in their cases their disability was relatively mild. They told us that they are not always respected and often stared at by people in the street. They do not need to be told what to do or to be treated like children. Rather they need to be informed of what their choices are in a clear, measured and friendly manner, so that they can feel comfortable to ask questions if they don’t understand. We should not hurry them because their thoughts take longer to form. Rude is rude of course, but it is difficult for a layperson to judge the degree of disability of any given individual until they get to know them. More funding is needed.

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